Talent of Nigerian Spoton Caricaturist Owolabi at RebirthNWC Event”

“Owolabi’s caricatures capture the essence of a person”

At the recent RebirthRWC event, attendees were thrilled to queue up and wait in line to have themselves drawn in caricature by the talented Nigerian spoton caricaturist Owolabi.

Live digital caricature at RebirthRWC event

Owolabi’s skills as a caricaturist are undeniable, and it was clear that those who waited in line were eager to have him capture their unique features and personalities in his signature style. His talent for capturing the essence of a person in a single illustration is truly remarkable, and it was a pleasure to watch him work.

The event was a huge success, with many people praising Owolabi’s talent and expressing their happiness at being able to experience it firsthand. It was clear that Owolabi’s work was greatly appreciated, and that he left a lasting impression on all who saw it.

Printed copy of Live digital caricature drawn by talented Owolabi the caricaturist

Overall, the RebirthRWC event was a great success, and Owolabi’s caricatures were a highlight for many attendees. If you have the opportunity to see him in action, don’t miss out!


Caricature we created on 15 of July 2021

We are sure by the time you compare our artwork, side by side with the original image, you were like Yassss!

One thing we try to do when we create caricatures is not to make it boring.

The elements we added in this artwork that is not originally in the image is the teeth and the hand posture.

One thing we want to be sure of when delivering our live or spot on caricature is happiness both from the viewers and from the subject, we like to keep the atmosphere happy.

Live digital caricature

We are certain you can feel the vibe, write us if you have an upcoming event, so we can come entertain and help you deliver awesome souvenir, a live digital caricatures for your guests and prospects.

Caricature we created today 14 of July

Yes! owolabi woke up today feeling energized although he took a break off yesterday without creating artwork, today he created an image of several beautiful ladies, but for now, we want to add this one here for you to view, also you can check out our process on our YouTube channel here.

When owolabi was asked about how he exxeggerated the subject, his response was that he created her how he was feeling, which means it has to do with the temperament he was feeling right then.


We hope you guys enjoys the feel of the exxerggeration, as owolabi just expressed himself.

Thanks for viewing, we will, these days, do day to day upload of our works, why they are drawn, and also add links for you to view our process, we hope you keep enjoying us as we express our moments with art.

Laffmattazz 2021

On the 4th of April, we were hired to come grace an event that took place in Ibadan, a show that is hosted by the CFR, GCON Gbenga Adeyinka.

It was the events 10 years anniversary, and we were called upon to entertain and help create a lasting souvenir at the event.

We offered our service putting forward our best foot,  star celebrity professional spot on caricaturist Owolabi.

The event took place at a popular event location in Ibadan, Oyo-State,  Jogor Centre, as the event was flooded with a lot of celebrities and attenders.

We won’t forget to let you know the event was a mix of everything entertainment.  from drama to music, dance, comedy art, and more.

We were on the ground, courtesy MALTINA brand, we creates spot on caricatures of attenders, as we made sure they were entertained and amuse with every of our piece.

Here are few pictures taken.

Digital spot on caricature at laffmattazz
Live digital spot on caricature at laffmattazz

Zoom event live caricatures

Zoom event live caricature

We all had nice time @bigalart_ caricature BBQ here is one of the caricatures drawn live at the #zoomevent, below are few images we created.

Zoom event live caricature
Zoom event live caricature
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