50cent and Pop Smoke Caricature


We are sure the first thing that will come to your mind is why did we decide to draw and paint these two entertainers together,  well recelty 50cent has been flooding his instagram account with Pop Smokes images so it got our attention and we decided to wanted to know why.

Pop Smoke who was shot and killed at a Los Angeles residence earlier this year. Weeks before his death, the rapper released Meet the Woo 2, which debuted in the top 10 of the Billboard 200.

50 cent whom is a friend “50 was like, ‘You can’t be depressed and stop the legacy that he was building.

In early March, 50 Cent announced plans to executive produce and finish Smoke’s album. During the Rap Life episode, Victor recalled how 50 pushed him to release the project.

50 Cent also touched on the Brooklyn music scene in the wake of Pop Smoke’s murder.

The posthumous album was released July 3,  2020.

Here is 50 cent pic we used to create the artwork.

We decided to create 50 cent puffing smoke out which turned to Pop smoke,  we had little issue creating the 50 cents image because Almost all the elements of the head were imagined and no real picture to follow to really  tell a story.

We tried to tell a story of “50 being the executive producer of the album.

Here is Pop Smoke picture used


Watch how the video of how we drew and paint the artwork here .

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