Jollof and palmie 4.0

On sunday 12:00 pm Owolabi arrived at Muri-Okunola’s park ready to draw attenders of Jollof and Jamie event hosted by badgang NG, the event was grace with lots activity entertainment together with charity services and donations, Our studio was at the event too.

Badgang community is a biker community which was able to host event that brought lot of bikers and non bikers together to celebrate and rejoice together.

Owolabi was there to offer the attenders live spot on caricature, below are few images the event.

Live caricature lagos nigeria
Live caricature artist lagos nigeria
Lie caricature artist lagos.nigeria
Live caricature artist lagos nigeria
Live caricature artist lagos nigeria

African business integrity network and CIPE event

Big head cartoon at event

Recently we were asked to come  entertain and help souvenir guests of Arican business integrity network and CIPE event, it was at Southern Sun Ikoyi Lagos.

african business integrity network and CIPE event

With serene environment where we had the pool and water fall close as guests got to sit and Waoed by their amazing caricatures, Owolabi was just going, creating and help adding entertaiment to the awesome athmosphere .

The guests who came all across Africa was able to have all their keep sake artworks signed and and dated by Owolabi, our caricaturist.

We did less of exxagerating of faces, but of course still able to bring to  the artworks intrinsic satire of caricatures.

In all, we had fun, enjoyed the event as we made sure the guests had fun too.

We hope to share you more of our events, thanks to the organizers of african business integrity network and CIPE event


Caricature we created on 15 of July 2021

We are sure by the time you compare our artwork, side by side with the original image, you were like Yassss!

One thing we try to do when we create caricatures is not to make it boring.

The elements we added in this artwork that is not originally in the image is the teeth and the hand posture.

One thing we want to be sure of when delivering our live or spot on caricature is happiness both from the viewers and from the subject, we like to keep the atmosphere happy.

Live digital caricature

We are certain you can feel the vibe, write us if you have an upcoming event, so we can come entertain and help you deliver awesome souvenir, a live digital caricatures for your guests and prospects.

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