You’ve Had Your Live Digital Caricatures At A Corporate Event, What’s Next?

You’ve sat for 5 minutes, your friends and crowd kept laughing while watch to see your caricature unfold, you eventually have your printed and digital caricature copy, so what’s next?

In this article, we will share ways in which you can make use of your live digital caricatures.

Am happy to let you know you have an endless way to make use of your live digitally drawn caricatures; first, let’s talk about the printed copy.

Now the Caricaturist have drawn you, and now you have your 4×6 inches printed caricatures given to you, what can you make of it? Well, perhaps if your office space before have always been boring with just pictures of yours, and you’re looking for ways to ignite or spark talks up each time people come into your space, then this is for you, because with caricatures in your space; old, new client and friends won’t stop talking, laughing, being happy each time they come around.

You can decide to place your printed copy of caricature on your office desk or frame it up, place on your wall with a special note by it, explaining why you were drawn that way. Sounds like fun, right?.

Now let’s look at the digital copy, let’s assume you asked Owolabi our celebrity spot-on caricaturist to help you express a personalized character of yours, and now you have the digital copy, if I were you, first thing I will do is rush to social media to flaunt it, by posting, so my followers, family and friends can experience, the satire personality which could help my social media account go viral in a jiffy.

Did you know if you have the digital copy, this enables you to print on anything, anywhere, anytime? As a digital copy, it never expires or get spoilt, you can print and make use of it on: business card, t-shirt, wall paper, mug, plate, car dashboard, toys, , greetings cards, the list is endless. We have had cases where we were contacted after many years to help update the caricatures we created at a live event “that’s how much it was loved”

Henceforth, anytime you see a caricaturist at an event, quickly get closer on time, to get your live caricature artwork done, so you can have an awesome experience, go home with the awesome souvenir.

Always see live Caricaturist performing at an event you attend  as an opportunity for you to get another caricature of yours which could help express that another personality of yours in cartoon.

Reach out to us to book us for your live events here.
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