What is spot-on caricature?

First let’s start with what is caricature?

A caricature is a satire (funny) drawing of you with lot of likeness, caricature’s purpose is to make you the subject and whosoever sees the artwork  laugh.

If it does not make people laugh, it is not a caricature.

Yes, it has to make people laugh, but laughing without likeness of the subject makes the caricature meaningless, when it has a likeness and it is funny, it’s a good caricature.

Now, what is spot on caricature: spot on caricature is offering caricatures drawing by an artist professionally called a caricaturist, live at events, these drawings often take very small time, let’s say within 2-3 minutes per person.

Remember, we said if it does not have likeness; not funny, it’s not a good caricature, so for the fact that this is offered on the spot, a good caricaturist, makes sure the artwork has resemblance with the subject and also will be able to get laughter out of any viewers of the artwork whether there, live at the event or post event.

When you have a good spot on caricature artist at an event, what is guaranteed is entertainment and an everlasting memory for your guests and prospects.

What kind of events are caricaturists good for?
The answer is all, all kinds of events, in as much you want entertainment and good memory of the guests or prospects.

At I do art studios we have taken the service further, with offering a live digital caricatures at events, digital caricatures have more advantages over a traditional live Caricatures (Pen&sketch pad) bescause it has means of getting more people to view.

Spot-on or live digital caricature are more offered at high-end events, like corporate events, for gains of the opportunities around it.

With pandemic and post pandemic there had been new ways of hosting events, which are virtual and hybrid events, even with these, a live digital caricaturist still help entertains, makes the event a memorable one and help give an awesome souvenir virtually.

Should incase you have an upcoming event and you seek a unique way to entertain, give an awesome experience and souvenir, spot-on caricature is the right deal for you, with their caricature on their Wall, office desk or used as their social media display picture (avatar),
this will have your event talked about forever.

You can book us on time for your future event so as to have your special date in our itinerary.

We’ve got you covered with Owolabi, a celebrity spot on caricature artist, with lot of experience, speed, and quality.

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