Funny Celebrity Fight Naija

Banky W walking towards the ring side
Crowd noise: woo oo!

Santos: crowds, let me go to my corner here in the stadium where I will be covering from and from there I will allow you guys to directly connect with the mics directly in the stadium.

I will leave you to the hands of the announcers mic, commentator A’s mic (CA) , commentator B (CB), the fans areas mic, the ring side mic, and other mics, I will only talk when it’s necessary, wao! This will be fun.
A announcer mic: don’t mind my thick voice ya’ll, I will still do my job perfectly, oh! I heard someone say something there, what did you say? Oh, you said I sounds like big brother… Hahaha! Anyways, welcome to Funny Celebrity Fight Naija tonight, is gon be the fight, with sweat and blood, the fight ya’ll been waiting for and I am your announcer tonight.
Right now, ama call on the first fighter tonight, the one that’s got it all to showcase, have it all to defend, the challenged, EVERY ONE welcome!……. Banky! BANK!! BANKY!!! DOUBLE YOUUUUUUUUUUH!!!!.
CA: oh wao, he’s got a big head!
CB: oh common, don’t mock, he’s just got a gt tank size of head, that not too big!
CA: this guy’s cute with his round shape mustache, and the belt tied on him make him looks good or what do you think CB?
CB: am just afraid, he looks too cool to be a fighter, afraid he could loose his mustache to fight tonight.. Hahahaha!
CA: like he’s got a lot of fans, they’re just shouting, Hailing!, what’s he doing?
CB: I think he just slowed down to hail his fans, can we on the mic around the fans area please?
CA: okay CB, I’d just done that.
Fans: ebute meta! Very good bad guy!!! Lover man!!!
CA: are those his alias?
CB: they’re such crazy fans. CA, expect everything and anything
CA: tonight’s gon be on fire, I like the way he walks, walking majestically to the ring, I think he’s tryna intimidate his opponents fans, cos his opponents is not here or what do you think CB?
CB: he’d better keep all that for his opponent.
CA: I like the song the dj’s, playing as he enters, I think it’s his song, one of his oldies, let me on the mic at the dj’s so we can hear clearly.
CB: I used to be one of his beginning fans, I like that song..
Dj’s Mic: from ebute meta! Eh, from ebute meta! meta!! meta!!! hey hey hey from ebute meta meta! meta!! meta!!!.
CA: I like the way the dj put that skit on repeat as Banky walks..
CB:am having a good time tonight.
To be continued……..

2D Graduation Caricature Sample

Who’s graduating? Thought you want to give out a gift ? Think no further , get them a caricature of them , expressing their  celebration and what you think of them. A crisp message , text can lie on the piece too. A new year if greatness book now.

2D Graduation Caricature Sample

Guess whom our model here is…

Happy New Year Guys

Yes we made to 2019 and we are happy, our artworks and art skills made it here too. Today we will like to update you with our recently completed work , we hope you Like it.

Graduation caricature sample

This sample illustrates, the subject flying higher with books instead of going up the hill with the ladder, the right adjacent  image  is a hill and a ladder.

Our target this time are those your friends, family graduating, being promoted , or stepping forward in their endeavours, Yes! They need a caricature, this can really help you express what you think or your imagination about this people going up higher in their life.  
Have fun with thy caricatures .

Check This Out

Realistic caricature

A day to our celebrity artist birthday (Owolabi), he created this fabulous caricature for us to add in our online gallery .

This artwork is an example of our realistic caricature , as you can see the skin texture is painted to near human skin although we can still create something more realistic to this, but it will have to be with a reference of high resolution of picture.

The subject in the artwork is ex- big brother naija housemate, Debbie-Rise, when our press team asked owolabi why he chose to work on her as our reference image, he said she’s got a high resolution image and he decided to work with it.

We will always update you, with what we create.  Please do not hesitate to share our posts on social media platforms.

Freshly Updates

Today , our artist Owolabi was able to paint this beautiful picture as he said of a random birthday celebrant on twitter, here it is :



We the press department interviewed him, want to know why he choose this picture as today’s online update .

The Interview Went Like This.

Press: Mr Owolabi why did you choose to use this pic as our today’s online update ?
Owolabi: Well, as you all know as an artist we always look for that image, that idea that will inspire us, I was scrolling down, I Do Art Studios twitter page yesterday when i saw this pic.
Press: So you got this image from twitter right, so what really inspired you from the pic?
Mr Owolabi laughed,
Owolabi: well, on twitter yesterday was her birthday and this is a pic that already had about 500 likes by the time i chose it , also her skin colour and pose struck me.
Press: so explain what you created 
Owolabi: Immediately i got the pic, i wanted to draw and paint it with having a bit of sea scape with it, so as i continued, other ideas flip through my head and i decided to paint her holding a red cup, with a skimpy dress, on a speed boat with 2golden fish flipping off the ocean. 
Press; this is awesome, what will you be painting next?
Owolabi: as the spirit  leads.
We hope you enjoy seeing  the artwork and our interview,. Our advise will be you posting cute pictures, who know you might be next to get painted by our celebrity artist Owolabi , do not forget to subscribe and follow this blog, also follow us on all social media platform, you might be the next.

Our Recent Caricatures

Up Date!

DJ Consequence Caricature 
If you have heard that song  #update DJ consequence featuring Olamide this means that we are not ought to explain our character too much!. He home how’s you, caricature can really tell what people do and that’s exactly what this caricature is doing for DJ consequence .
In our opinion the finest DJ in Nigeria.  Do not hesitate to hook us up with the idea you have in mind, would want us to express for you,. Caricature is fun .

Our Clear Idea Of What African Super -Hero Should be

African Super Hero

Our clear idea of what African super hero should look like.

This is a powerful warrior, that needs to be held by rope by 2 virgins  to be controlled, with a floating calabash on his head and two snakes at his hand, his sword directly communicates with the sky with lightning , once this man have his costume on, he has this magical power which takes over his consciousness. With his charm and power to be able to disappear and appear which can get him to anywhere within twinkle of an eye, with the power in his incantation and strength will be able to defeat any marvel Super hero if you might ask us.

Kindly help us suggest what best name can be given to this powerful man.

Fastest Man With Fastest Growing Football Career

Usain Bolt’s Caricature

Usain St Leo Bolt   born 21 August 1986) is a Jamaican retired sprinter and world record holder in the 100 metered,  200 meters and 4x100meters relay. His reign as Olympic games champion in all of these events spans three Olympics. Due to his achievements and dominance in sprint competition, he is widely considered to be the greatest sprinter of all time.

Now that his career as the fastest man in the world has ended, Usain Bolt is making another run at becoming a professional soccer player with the Central Coast Mariners of Australia’s A-League.

He is presently considered as the fastest growing football career with a lot of interest in him in Europe football leagues after his first goal.

Funny Celebrity Fight Page 8

Remi! you dull me, jahbless talking with expression of disappiontment on his face, why you go allow am? sho ti gbagbe ni? One, two, block!, two upper cut! , block! That formular. You kon dull am like that..

Jahbless massaging Reminisce’s face

Yeeh! Remi screamed, when jahbless was trying to help Remi massage his face.
To ba se aya bi eyin, to ba se eyin bi aya, wa sare kaba! kaba!! kaba!!! kaba!!!! kaba!!!!! kaba!!!!!!
(This skit was on repeat) as the music plays loud from the stadium’s speakers,
DJ playing the way back song while the break is on, the song was created by one of the self sustaining artist in Nigerian music industry back in the days, konga by name, the skit lyrics in English means. � if youve got chest as big as your back, or your back as thick as your chest, you will still have to run�
To everyone’s surprise, Iron Mike Tyson who is seated at the V.I.P roll of the stadium , is dancing the Konga song, he has put off his shirt and has a bottle of drink with him as he cintinue dancing.
The crowd sings along as the skit sounds from the stadium speakers.
Lynxx rubbing balm on Banky W’s face 

Shey you know say your kele dey for here sha otonor…. Lynxx talking to Banky as he trys to rub some balm on his face, banky is surprised , raised his eye brow, huh! so she knows am doing this fight? (Confirming in a soft voice tone), Lynxx replied with thick rappers voice, more reason you have to win this fight, Guy no dull me o, we’re already winning this fight otonor .
Conversations going on in between the fighters and their coachs.
Crazy commentators making crazy comments

The commentators on the high seat making funny comments as they talks through the mic, what is that at Iron Mike Tyson’s hand? commentator B asked, huh you mean that green container? Let me see, commentator A zoomed his camera and shouted, ohh I think that’s dorobucci local drink, he zoomed out and added , huh! maybe he’s attracted to it, because of the container , B! Commentator A calling on B now and say, did you know that that container is crafted in a man that’s got muscle? I mean the plastic container has a mold of someone with packs and a wide chest. I see , the commentator A comprehended.
What do you think about this match? commentator A asking commentator B, Hmm, commentator B went silent for a while and said, you cant really say for now, you still have a lot of rounds to go, and i think Remi will come back, he’s got lot of supporters here which he won’t want to let down, regardless of that heavy he took. i hope so, commentator A responded.
People at the regular roll of the stadium whistled when they heard commentator B’s comment.
Suddenly the bell rang, gbagaun!

Time for Round 2

The fine lady who stepped in earlier with the round 1 board, came in with round 2 board, showed the crowd round the ring, as she steps out.
Abeg guy no forget the formular! Jahbless shouted to give his last words for the break.
Banky at the other corner, rinsed his mouth with some water as lynxx helped him put his tooth guard.
Remi stood up, shouted, Shit! Emi ti Mon wa excuse ti mo ma fi get it on! His eyes looks more swollen with the balm been rubed on it.
Remi raised his hands up, box the air in a double punch.
The match refree already in the middle of the ring waiting to receive these two fighters.
Refree waiting to receive the beasts 

Banky strolled closer to the referee , the referee who is standing in the middle of the ring stopped banky from coming too close with his left hand, Remi at the other corner strolled down to the refree too.
Immediately the Ref shoved his two hands in between these two, signals, fight should begin, the refree who is so concious of time did that within two seconds and the fight began.

Funny Celebrity Fight Page 7

Reminisce cannot not withstand the punch, he moved to the direction in which the punch forced, pushed him, staggered, he quickly steps closer to the ring side rope, had to now struggling to hold on it to support himself.

Banky W hailing ,chanting his fans at the V.I.P corner.

Banky who has climbed the ring side rope after the heavy puncthe crowd, Bank who had climbed the ring side rope diagonal to the one Remi’s learning on. Banky raised his hand up, and the crowd hails rhythmically as he raises his hand.
Ebute Meta!! Very Good Bad Guy!!!
Crowd hailing their champion, shouting on top of their voices.
Adesua who’s face is filled with joy prior to the previous action by Banky, her fiance in the ring, kept jumping waving to her husband to be, in the V.I.P crowd hoping he’ll get to see her, since he doesn’t know she’s around.
Banky waved the crowd, Adesua at the V. I. P corner raised a bottle of drink, put the bottle drink down and tried to wave again, hoping with these actions Banky will notice her she’s around.
Reminisce holding the ring side rope after receiving a heavy punch from Banky W.

Banky (very good bad guy) as his fans called him, knows he’s got few seconds to cheer his fans up, he quickly looked back into the ring, stepped down from the rope. he now looking at his opponent ( Remi), as he(Bank) still leaning on the rope as he’s just got down from the climb. expression on his (Bank’s) face shows his surprised to see Remi still standing, after the massive destruction shot from his(bank’s) left fist .
The Ref standing beside Remi, having conversation with him. Banky raised his eye brow, showed expression of hope, that Remi will tell the Ref he cannot continue.
mi o ni time lati gbo N’kan ti awan were yi fe offer!
Emi ti Mon wa excuse, Tim ma fi get it on.
Ma gba e loju gbogbo joint e ni moma disconnect .
Remi altered from his mouthwhen the ref asked about his health. he swiftly looked in Bankys direction.
Referee stood in front of Remi, Remi who just left the ring side rope he was holding nano seconds ago , stood firm , faced directly opposite to where Bank was waiting, but still learnt his back on the ring rope.
Remi’s look is affected, his eye glasses is broken, its spilled into half.
Ref talking to Reminisce after receiving the punch .
Ref talking to Remi � Are you okay? � In a sympathetic tone, will you like to continue? Give me your hands, Remi thrusted his two hand towards the Ref , Ref held the two hands pull and push them, Remi stood firm, looked directly into the ref’s eye and said.
lowo to wa yi, oma dobale fun ijoba!
(Its means : his opponent will prostrate for him the government)
The Ref waves the crowd, and signaled.
Meanwhile the attendees were making reactions to each of these words and actions on the ring , most of them whom already bet their money on who throw the first punch, who dodged first, who get the most point out of round one, these people are really enjoying themselves even though theyve got some money to loose and win, here.
Lynxx the Bank W coach, jumped off carelessly from the ring side down when he saw the action his fighter made over his opponent (Remi), the reaction from Remi got him happy and wanted to make gest of his oppoments coach,so he ran round the ring, eleyi ti fa ewe ganger! Jahbless said annoyingly.
After reacting to the run around lynxx made,
Jahbless looked straight back into the ring and shouted to Remi, Remi make I see your face ! Remi turned his face a bit to where Jahbless is , jahbless replied, nothing do you!
Ref clapped , meaning the fight should continue.
Suddenly, the bell rang, it was the end of round one.
Remi, strolled to the ring side, where jahbless is waiting to have him and Banky went to Lynxx on the other side of the ring.
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