We have here for you a lite. Caricature Package. This package includes a freedom for you to choose from our different body collections, a package that includes within 24 hours delivery of your artwork.
You want to laugh, and stay happy, all you need is a caricature artwork for you, your relative or lover.
Below are list of thngs that this package comprises.
- Delivery within 24 hours
- Different body collections to choose from.
- 100% hand drawn
- 2 revisions
- Available size is 5×7″
- You can choose if your want exaggeration or not.
Delivery within 24 hours : Once you submit your form expect to get your final piece within 24 hours.
Different Bodies collections to choose from : With this package you will only be able to choose the body of your draeing strictly within our body collections chart, we have pretty cool bodies to choose from from super hero bodies to normal human bodies, definitely your artwork will come our fabulous.
100% Hand Drawn : You will be getting an artwork that is drawn by Real Artists which will have the flair of nature although it’s digital artwork.
2 Revisions : in this package you can. ask us to add or subtract from the final piece twice.
Available size is 5×7″ : The artwork will not exceed the size 5×7 inches.
Exaggeration or Not : You will be able to choose if you want exaggeration of the face or not.
See below gallery for sample of 5×7 inches image on a product
See below gallery of different bodies to choose from
To book and see more click here