Yes, we got this invite by a caricaturist on instagram with the handle @bigalart to join a caricature barbeque party, where we will get to draw other spot-on caricaturist in diaspora via the zoom application.
So it was 10pm PST which we believe we won’t be able to make due to the time zone in Nigeria but surprisingly we were still able to make it to the event in the morning 6am lagos, nigerian time.
It was fun, here are virtual caricatures of Owolabi made by the caricaturists in diaspora via zoom virtual event.

Owolabi too created caricatures of caricaturists at the zoom event, even though he was on it directly has he got off his bed.
Here are the caricatures he created

Hope you enjoyed what you’ve seen.. When it’s your zoom event? You need to have your attenders drawn over virtual, it will be fun and rewarding. Thanks for viewing our post.