How The World Would Have Been Saved This Time Of  Pandemic By African Culture. 

Who could have thought shaking of hands could be this delicate 2020, all the gesture that needs to be made when meeting new people or even your old friends all now stopped, because it could lead to mass destruction.

We are sure if someone ever told you will be more afraid of a handshake that a gun you will argue, well, as we live on, we tend to live different time and moments.

The virus is easily transfered via shaking hands, when a carrier of the virus shakes hands then virus is transferred. At this point, will you agree the African way of greeting is best, when you have to postrate in distance to greet an elderly (just saying).

If it’s that the virus can only affect the person it been transferred to, it would have been okay, at least, but, if transferred to the person, the person too can easily transfer to friends, folks, family, society at large which could lead to death of thousands.

Hence forth, will you prefer African way of greeting? Where Africans prostrate or bow for people in distance to make gesture when meeting new and old friends .

These days a lot of Africans do not practise their ways to greeting, they prefer the westerns, where you shake hands.

Will you argue, practising African ways of greeting would have safe our lives more and more?

Maybe it’s time Africa teaches it cultural ways to the world.

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