How to grow my business online in Nigeria and overseas.

A clue to beat your competition

Although we are core into art, but we will like to make you see why our service is as important for your business like cash is.

With the help of online presence, a lot of businesses have been able reach more prospects and make more profits.

Being online is easy and not easy. Easy because you can jump into it, not easy because you need to be relevant. Remember, as easy as it is for you to put your business online so it is for your competitors to be online, so therefore, you might still not be benefiting from your online presence, when there is a lot of competition.

There are so many ways to put your business online, you can use your own platform, that is: own your website or use other people’s platform such as social media platforms, e-commerce website,, popular website listings.

All these are means you could use to put your business online.

Why would you want to put your online? 

in Nigeria, it’s population is about 200 million people,

According to Google: In 2018, Nigeria had 92.3 million internet users. This figure is projected to grow to 187.8 million internet users in 2023. The internet penetration amounted to 47.1 percent of the population in 2018 and is set to reach 84.5 percent in 2023.

The statistics above simply say there will be more people with more engagements online as of 2023.

Now the problem for businesses to really make it online despite given that there will be more onliners will be getting the onliners attention, by then the game will be, the more attention you can get the more money you’re likely to make within your competition.

How do you grab attention online? 

The real question is how do you get attention with the means we wrote above, that is: website, social media platform, e-commerce website, listing sites .

well, here we will tell you what works and what doesn’t.

Getting attention with your website:

  1. SEO your business website
  2. Start a blog

SEO simple means search engine optimization, that is: ability for your website to be found when searched for your service or product.

example: if you type in Google Search engine that you want to buy cloths in Nigeria and the search engine brings Jumia, this is because Junia has optimized themselve to be able to come up on Google when such things are searched for.

when you have active readers, you have people’s attention and when you have attention, people are likely to buy.

Blog is a page you post writeups about your service or product every now and then. By posting something on your blog you tend to have more readers , and this you can SEO each time you post.

example : what you are reading now is our blog.

Getting attention with social media  platforms:

  1. Through your posts.
  2. Through advertising your posts.

Social media posts are updates of content you put out through your social media handle to engage those following you on the platforms, there are platforms like facebook page, instagram, twitter and many more, social media platforms with a lot of accounts are best for you to open an account as a business , when there are a lot of active accounts and you post something attracting, you will get followers, when you get followers, you already having an attention, and when you have attention, you are likely to sell.

Advertising your posts : almost all social media platforms with lot of active followers give chance of advertising each post. Advertising your content gives you opportunity to get attention of your non followers.

Getting attention with E-commerce website:

  1. Listing your business or service on e-commerce website.
  2. promoting your product or service on e-commerce site.

Listing your business or service on e-commerce site. E-commerce website are mostly very popular with lot people visit to either purchase a product or service, as a business or service provider, you can create an account, list on these websites and easily make sales or get hired.

Examples are Jumia Or Jiji.

Promoting your product or service on e-commerce website : With a lot of sellers or listings on an e-commerce you will need promotion as for your account to get more attention from the e-commerce site visitors, because won’t want to scroll down much on the website so the one that appears first to them after search is what they will go for. If you have a good product or service on this sites, you will want to promote to get adequate attention.

Getting attention by listing your webite:

  • Listing your business or service on a popular website.
  • promoting your product or service on popular site.

Listing websites are usually popular, they are directory.

Businesses with websites in a particular geographical area usually join these websites for easy visibility .

Promoting your website on listing website Just like e-cimmerce website you need promotion on these websites for impatience visitors.

What’s common about all these means?

the common thing about all these means is content. You need to have great content to keep attention of your website visitor of your followers on social media platforms .

What is content?

Contents are what you write, upload on your website or social media platforms for some interest of engaging your visitors.

Content can be in form of write up like this very post, can be inform of pics , video or illustrations.


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