According to a website fee. Org there are 5 characteristics of best gift which are :
- Thoughtful,
- Unique
- Surprising
- Useful
- Meaningful
It is christmas season and we are sure you will be thinking of giving your friends and family gift, we’ll before you conclude, we will want you to look at the characteristics above before getting them something.
We will suggest a caricature has all these characteristics and even more if you are finding it hard to choose a particular item.
See for example?

What is thoughtful, unique, surprising, useful and meaningful about the above image.
The caricature above is illustrated with a man holding a hand trowel building an Africa statue.
- Thoughfulness : Is the above image thoughtful, will you say yes or no? It is, thoughtful not because it’s an artwork it’s also because it has tendency of making the viewer laugh which is (caricature) for you to give someone not just an artwork but an artwork that tells a story about the beneficiary and of all makes them laugh.
2. Uniqueness : when you want to give a gift and you’re thinking of a unique gift, one thing you can always be sure of is that a commissioned caricature will always be unique, it won’t be a commodity or thing you can purchase somewhere or anywhere in other words it is only the beneficiary that owns that piece alone in the whole wide world of 7billion people.
3. Surprising: Do you this this is surprising? Definitely it is, the beneficiary can never imagine what he or she will be expressed as, even if the beneficiary receives caricatures from people everyday, it will always surprise the beneficiary because, of course they will all be created with different concept, telling different stories, so in a nutshell itbis surprising.
4. Usefulness : Now if you look close to the image above, it illustrates Akinwumi Adesina holding a hand trowel, crying bucket filled with cement and building a statue that looks like Africa’s map, this illustration simply means the man (Akinwumi Adriana) is pert of those working tirelessly to build Africa, if not anything this keeps him reminded of his will and interest anytime he sees the artwork.
5. Meaningful: All that is illustrated makes sense, it tells story about the beneficiary, about what the giver thinks of the beneficiary which makes the gift qualify for the fifth character.
Now it’s Xmas time and am sure on your mind you will want to give best, a gift that will also qualify for durability character, which will be able to serve long so you or the beneficiary can always point finger to even after 25 years time.
Stop stressing looking for gift that answered all, which will make your beneficiary feel all the characteristics above, all you have to do is click on the whatsapp icon to chat with us or rather click on the contact us to see our email and phone number to call, let us help you create a best gift that suit personality of your beneficiary.