When everyone on Sunday was going to their religious places, Owolabi was riding on a crazy shark on our social media platforms.
Our post manager said he woke up to get a a file from our star Nigerian born caricature artist Owolabi.
So myself, I put a phone call through to him and asked, Owolabi, yes I got this shark boy file of yours can you tell a bit about how you got the inspiration to create such, so he replied saying, the thought of being a shark boy came through to him while we were present at our recent spot-on caricature event.
He asked if I noticed there was an aquarium, and I replied yes, he said he thought about riding on a shark icane through to him mmediately after seeing that Lil fish in the aquarium.
Moral of the story, if you are into creative industry be it movie, music, art , designs. it’s always great when you see your environment as an inspiration, and you know what? there is no too less inspiration, you can always make a small inspiration big, by surfing online on more information to make it roburst . Here is our SHARK BOY enjoy.
Caricature sample.
So we wrote on our latest post on instagram, asking how wild would you wanna go with your caricatures? You wanna ride a rocket or a bullet? Your caricatures depends on your imagination and we are here you help you paint them out.
Am sure now you know caricatures are very interesting to stare at.
Thanks for reading through.