Yes, again we were called upon to come and help make everyone have a keep sake of their at their corporate event.
It was BTM’s CWT launch activities and they requested for our area of expertise ” digital spot-on caricature ” service.

We offered the the Elite Package of spot-on caricature service which meant that we have to offer a digital spot-on caricature, where the guests not only have fun environment having to see each line of an artwork drawn or go home with their keep sake but also keep as abranded artworks.
Guests were making a home run with each piece our star spot-on caricature artist have drawn for them as he had them signed and dated.
We enjoyed ourselves so were the guests .
here is a sneak peek video
Laughter and surprise was the order of the day there and then on the 10/11/19 with our star spot on caricature artist Owolabi.